Dec 14, 2012
Nov 8, 2012
Jul 24, 2012
Jun 19, 2012
Walt Disney Treasures - Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
Mogwai - Rano Pano (2011)
Just to express how I felt for the last 12 months.
Lost not Forgotten (Submission for Dream Theater's Video Contest)
Ok...this is an update in nearly one year. Still don't know who's checking this blog but posting this anyway.
This video is a submission for a contest which was held by my favorite progressive metal band 'Dream Theater'. They wanted to have a fan-made video which they're gonna play while they're playing at their upcoming us tour concert. It was such a chance(I still cannot believe that they actually had that contest...almost felt like this one is for me...) and I just couldn't let it go away.
So, I created a 10-minute long abstract psychedelic video using some of my stuffs, and some of the open sources which I could find on the web. Those "sources" include not just video footages, but also processing codes, quartz composer patches. I modified all of them to fit in this video(I guess and hope I didn't violated any copyrights).
The best part of this video is, that I actually won the contest!!! OMG. I don't have anything more to say...